EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Friday, September 01, 2006

Less-Serious End-Of-Week II

That's right, folks. Due to a lack of suggestions on what to call this Fictitious Friday, this Holy Humdinger of the week, this Playful Posting, this Gaseous Generation (sorry about that last one...Roget's Thesaurus lists 'Gas' as a synonym for 'Funny', and 'Generation' as a synonym for 'Day' about 'Crap' as a synonym for 'your thesaurus website'), we are having our Less-Serious End-Of-Week post. Today's post....

"Inspired Monologues..."

"This is so boring. All I do is eat and sleep. Eat and sleep. Seriously. Being a baby is so lame. The highlight of my day is trying to pee on my parents. What kind of creature can make that sad claim? That's it. I'm staging a protest. No more eating and sleeping until I get do so something new. Something fun...some...thing..."


"...Huh? Crap. I fell asleep AGAIN. Yeah, you just wait until I can crawl around..."


"You'd scream too if you looked like this guy."

"All I want to do is play Scrabble!!!"

"My daddy thinks I'm a prop. I swear, I'm going to develop a COMPLEX from the flash of his camera. PUT ME DOWN, YOU BAFFOON!!! Just wait until you change me..."


"(villanous laugh) Muah ha ha ha!!! I have these pathetic humans right where I want them! As they continue to 'oooh' and 'aaah' over me, I'm slowly bringing my plans to fruition! They make stupid faces at me, I make plans of their untimely demise!!! The idiots actually think I SLEEP at night. Little do they know the people who I have been communicating with, the resources we have pulled together, the way we are slowly bringing their doom upon them. It is I who keeps leaving the milk out! It is I who leaves the toilet seat up! The seeds of discourse are growing...and when the right time comes, they will they have a surprise waiting for them! The planet will be mine! And next, the universe! Muah ha ha ha!!! You just wait until the lights go out!!! Muah ha ha ha ha!!!"


"Wha-? Blast him and that camera! Oh no, the plans...does he know? Quick, look cute!"



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