Sorry, no time to do anything for today. I am playing in the Northern Symphonic Winds concert on Saturday night, which practices Thursday night, Friday night, and Saturday afternoon. So, since I have nothing ready for you, I have QUESTIONS for you.
That's right. Questions that I'd like YOU to answer.
1) What do you think of a new photo every day? I only really have time for 2 or 3 long posts a day, but some new photo each day would be nice. Of course the photo would be of David! Thoughts?
2) How is acid rain caused?
3) What else can I do to get you guys to leave more comments? Heather and I love them, and constantly check back to see if there are any comments left. Literally, ALL THE TIME. Sad, but true.
4) What sort of things would you like to see?
5) Why is every Reader's Digest headline seem to be negative and fear-provoking? (latest issue is something like "Mis-Diagnosed! Don't Let it happen to you!")
That's all. We (cough cough) look forward to your (cough) COMMENTS (cough cough).
The needy web-poster

Organizing the Buffet
Click HERE for all slideshows.
The Web-Stats of David
The Statistics of David
Born: August 18th, 2006
Current Age: 2 Years!!!
Current Stats: Blue eyes, light brown hair. 28 lbs.
Clothes Size: 2T/3T. Wearing Pampers Size 5 (not Cruisers).
Newest Word: "Zoinks." Daddy had some fun teaching that to him.
Newest Phrase: "Go outside yes." The "go outside" is him asking 'can I go outside,' as we have taught him to say. The "yes" is our answer, which he still repeats back to us, no matter what we do. He's also starting to get used to the fact that "no" is a possible answer, but he typically doesn't care.
Latest Accomplishment: He can turn on our lamp by the switch near the light bulb.
Currently... napping. Hence my time to update the site.
1) What do you think of a new photo every day?
Yeah, yeah, yeah! Do it!
2) How is acid rain caused?
Well, I don't teach earth science, but I can fake it. Places that produce sulfur dioxide (like coal-burning power plants), send it up in the air where chemical reactions take place and form sulfuric acid. Fun! I'm sure I'm missing stuff, though.
3) What else can I do to get you guys to leave more comments?
I think I'm the craziest I don't really know. But maybe posting more pictures would help.
4) What sort of things would you like to see?
Smiles. A comparison of baby photos with Rob and Heather would be good, too!
5) Why is every Reader's Digest headline seem to be negative and fear-provoking?
Because, "There was a rainbow today in Seattle" doesn't sell magazines :)
We are amazed at how much you have kept this site updated with your busy life since school started. We love your write-ups, but it is not necessary to have huge productions all the time. Periodic pictures would be great.
Wish we could be there to hear your concert. Have a great time.
We miss all of you.
1) What do you think of a new photo every day?
More pictures would always be great. Some of David's Mom and Dad, too!
2) How is acid rain caused?
I think it's a Republican plot.
3) What else can I do to get you guys to leave more comments?
You check for comments all the time? My first thought is along the lines of "get a life", but you won't have one again for a few years. :-)
4) What sort of things would you like to see?
Actually, your "Adventures in David Land" are great, as are the pictures. You're doing really well!!
5) Why is every Reader's Digest headline seem to be negative and fear-provoking? (latest issue is something like "Mis-Diagnosed! Don't Let it happen to you!")
Because it caters to old people like me, who like to be able to blame someone else for their problems.
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