EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Monday, September 25, 2006

Sick in the head...sinuses actually

Our son, David, has had a cold for over a week. I thought of all the different ways to communicate this to you, his loyal and ever-growing fan base. I considered writing a song (been done), writing a Jules Verne-esque essay on exploring his nasal passages (hasn't been done) or taking pictures of his snot (won't be done). And then I realized...

Sometimes, words aren't necessary. And this would be one of those times.

Click the image below and enjoy.

You seriously need to click me.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Uncle Rob! Justin was watching Star Wars when we listened to Darth David! Did you try the saline drops and that bulb thing-a-ma-jig that pulls out the boogs? Do you have the humidifier on? We hope he feels better soon! Love, Aunt Cathy, Uncle Jim, and cousins Justin and Chelsea

FatherEuph said...

Yes (he liked them!).
Yes (he HATED that).
Yes (he slept through it).
