EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Monday, August 28, 2006

The Weekend Visitors

Aunt Lindsey and Aunt Merritt were up for the weekend, along with Alan. What a fantastic time! They just loved everything that had to do with David, including holding him, changing him, and hearing (almost) all about the delivery. It was a great time.

Alas, now they are gone, along with Alan and Super Grandma. It was so weird when they all left. Heather and I just kinda walked in the house, sat down, and didn't really say much. It was very quiet. Then the baby started doing his thing (that would be crying), and we began doing our thing (changing, feeding, burping, feeding, burping, seeing how long until we have to do that again).

One more side note. Lindsey and Merritt brought up some presents, and they actually got ME one. That's right! I got something! It is awesome: the weapon of choice in a father's first line of defense. It is none other than...the "Pee pee Teepee." A testament of Canadian ingenuity. It was awesome. And it worked great for me.

But not for Lindsey.

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