EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Saturday, August 19, 2006

David James has arrived!!!

After nine months in the making, our child has arrived. David James was born at 5:32am on Friday, August 18th 2006. He weighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces, and was 20 inches long. Baby is extremely healthy (and wonderful), and has this really really cute cry that you all must here. It's so great!

David James in his cute little hat and blanket, compliments of the hospital.

Mom is also doing very well, but is a tad bit upset that her "shelf" is gone. Her shelf, for those of you who have never been pregnant, refers to a pregnant woman's belly. When you are sitting in a chair, your belly is SO big that you can actually rest things on it (like a sandwich, a bowl of cereal, or a remote control). It is perhaps the only convenient thing about pregnancy, as she rarely needs to shift, lean over, or reach out for things. Alas, a sad day for the convenience shelf. But we'll get over it.

Mother and Son, a few hours after delivery.

Feast your eyes on our son, David James! Prizes will be awarded to the best "he has more hair than his father" comment! (More posts coming in the next 24 hours, especially some incredible details on the labor and delivery process)


Anonymous said...

he kinda looks like uncle kevin

FatherEuph said...

Heh! So far, people have said he looks like Patrick, Kevin, Dianne (ask Heather about that when you see her next), Alan, and now Joey. Wonder whem someone will notice he looks a bit like his father?!?

Anonymous said...

i love this picture of mommy with the baby!! This is going to have to be a keeper.

FatherEuph said...

No doubt about it. That is still one of my favorite pictures I have taken...and it was like one of my first few!

More good ones coming in the next few days! Thanks for the posts! And don't forget to leave a name so I know who all of you wonderful people are!

Anonymous said...

You have come so far sence the days of "hey, we should get married", I'm so thankful for the way the Lord has blessed you. My favorite picture is the 3 of you on the hospital bed. May you share this same unity during sick moments and mid-night feedings. God be with you, sweet family.
Kim Damon

Anonymous said...

> Wonder whem someone will notice he
> looks a bit like his father?!?

Rob, this baby looks 100% like you. I had to stare at the pictures for two hours straight and squint real hard but sure enough I saw it.