EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Uncle Patrick and Aunt Kassie

You know what it is like when a kid walks into a candy store for the first time? His mouth drops open, and his eyes slowly but methodically take in every element in front of him. And finally, that mouth slowly forms into the biggest ear-to-ear smile that would make the Cheshire Cat jealous.

That was Patrick.

Any chance he could get, he was holding that child. It was so beautiful to watch. He was so happy and excited to get to hold his nephew.

Kassie was equally excited. She loved every second she could get with little David. She had this wonderful smile, and a hint of concern and love that comes so foreign to us guys but so naturally to that strange race of people we call 'women.' Of course, having like 749 younger siblings probably trains you for that sort of thing, but still.

Heather and I both agreed: it was just awesome to have them come up and see them so excited and willing to be a part of David's life.

Enjoy the Uncle Patrick and Aunt Kassie pictures.


Anonymous said...

Now look what you've done...Patrick is already dissecting our schedules for another chance to visit!

Anonymous said...


Great commentary!


FatherEuph said...

Patrick....DISSECT HARDER!!! Get you and your wife up here again! We loved seeing you, and David desperately wants to pee on his uncle!

Alan, don't be jealous. He wants to pee on you too.