EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Friday, December 01, 2006

Picture of the Day 12-1's been one of those weeks. My school has 6 performances in the month of December, and it's a really really busy time. So, this'll get that post about the awesome Christmas party. In the mean time, I'll just have to wet your appetite a wee bit.

Here's a picture of, sadly enough, David's new best friend. Nope, it's not his mom, or his dad. It would be...his hand.


Anonymous said...

The hand is so much easier than a binky in the middle of the night when he loses it, but it is harder to get him to give it up because it is always with him . Just remember he won't get married either with a binky in his mouthor sucking on his hand!

FatherEuph said...

Wow. Thinking marriage already? Well, I'M NOT. Suck away, kid.