EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Friday, December 15, 2006 does a body good.

Wait until you see this. You remember this picture? It was taken around the 2 1/2 month age. Take a look:

And now, a picture from this week, very close to the 4 month age.

It's official. He's grown. At first, we just thought that our arms were getting weaker. And while that may be true, there is more evidence pointing to our son getting bigger and bigger. And man does this kid talk now. Might as well just get him his own phone line.

Here are a couple more pictures of him in this super-cool outfit-a-la-daddy. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

You're the man, David! Hey, about the fashion abuse, I'm really sorry, but he's your Dad and what can we do for you except help you unlearn his fashion sense once you leave home? Oh, and do you think now would be a good time to tell Mom and Dad about your cell phone bill??

Anonymous said...

I took this picture ni to show the teachers and they loved it,especially Mrs. Smith who gave David that outfit.