EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Friday, December 08, 2006

Picture of the Day 12-08

David has something else in common with his parents, besides a last name, some genetic material, and the love of sleep. David has the Darth Sniffles again, thanks to a sickness that began with mom, moved over to dad (who's been too busy this week), and then ended up in David's nose. Fun times in our house.

But judging by this picture...David just doesn't care.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Penas can relate to the Darth Sniffles...they've circulated in our house for about a month now. Fun times. Someone should have sent a memo about how being sick with a baby is on a completely different level than being sick without one. Who knew? Love you guys...hang in there. And remember...sleep is never overrated. Get it wherever and whenever you can. We mean it. I have to go. Darth is calling me.

Love, Becca