EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Monday, December 04, 2006

Christmas Party

WELCOME TO POST #50! That's right. 50 posts ago, I was a new father, Heather's family had some new grandparents, and you were still trying to figure out if the internet was any good. What better way to celebrate than with the Christmas Party with Heather's family!

"Can it be? Can I maintain my spot as center of attention?"

"You bet I can!"

"They even love CHANGING MY DIAPER! This is the life. Although that third hand is kinda freakin me out."

"Hey! It's me and the Great Aunt Dian!"

"Aunt Jenny! Need...more...Aunt...Jenny...time...."

"Me, Mom, Aunt Merritt, and my first cousin (coming soon to a theatre near you)"

"Uncle Ian and Miriam! And me, of course!"

"So THIS is what it would be like to have hair. Kinda cool!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes i need more David time!! i need to catch him after a nap... he snuggles :-)