EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

The ultimate in desktop backgrounds.

So I went to Heather's church for the Christmas Eve service. It's a Catholic church, and since I can count the amount of times I've been to a Catholic service one one hand, it's a safe bet to say that I was quite lost. Here are the two funny stories.

David breaks out his Christmas outfit.

1) We walk in, the three of us, as well as Heather's parents and her Uncle Brian. Everyone in the church, and I mean EVERYONE in the church stops and looks. Our son is dressed up in a santa suit (pictured above), complete with the hat. ADORABLE. Everyone stops, looks, and smiles. Collective, barely audible "awww."

We all notice, and then tried not to notice. Alan, Diane, and Brian move aside, and let us slide into the pew. I point out to Heather that this is bad, because if we have to leave in mid-service, everyone has to move. So we look back and forth at each other, all trying to suggest alternatives. Finally, we all realize it, and everyone stands back up. That collective "aww" I mentioned before? Yeah, now total confusion dominates their faces. We finally sit ourselves down, amidst slight chuckles from the congregation we are now entertaining, and I say to the lady behind us "Yeah, first time parents. Is it obvious we're new at this?"

My BEST picture BY FAR. Nothing else comes close.

2) So there I am, holding my wonderful son for the entire service. He is PERFECT. He maybe made two sounds the entire time, and fell asleep for the last twenty minutes (on a side note, try standing and sitting with a 15lb sleeping baby in your arm with pews that are REALLY tight and that kneeling thing by your feet. That was fun).

And, as you would expect, the service is centered around a small child, a child who would teach us to love, and who would be the source of our joy. I kept nodding to myself, thinking "They are absolutely correct. That is EXACTLY what David is!" Then I realize that they are taking about the Christ child, and not my son. Whoops.

Imagine, for a second, I feel like this about MY son. Think about how GOD, the creator of everything, felt about HIS son. You want something that the human brain can't fathom? There you go. And to think, God sent Him to die. Holding my son, knowing that was God's plan from the beginning, it just leaves me in awe. Sending his son to die, to die for US. So that we could have a relationship with God. Amazing. Going through a Christmas Eve service with a son changes EVERYTHING. I highly recommend it at some point in your lives.

May the love of Christ, the joy of the season, and the birth of hope be your comfort and warmth on this Christmas day.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Daddy Time

Daddy Time is often the best of times. This two-timing episode features Tummy Time mixed with Daddy Time.

We're still working on having him pose for the camera, but we're both hoping he doesn't do it in the idiotic way that his father does.

Woah! Look at that spot on the floor!

I can just sit and look at him all day.

The Progression Of Events

David says: "Not happy! I'm just not happy!"

David says: "Sure, get the camera. Fine fine fine."

David says: "Daddy, stop mocking me! Move over!"

David says: "Oooh, what's that?"

Dad says: "(gurgle)(cough)"

Friday, December 22, 2006

2 Babies!

2 Babies! 2 Babies?!?

Relax. Only one is ours.

We had a great evening last weekend with some friends, including 6 month old baby Julia. Of course, some of us decided to be anti-social, and sleep through the entire thing. I know what you're thinking. No way anyone can sleep through a loud get-together with lots of fun and crazy folks! Well, you would be wrong.

But all was good and right with the world. While David slept, Julia absorbed the spotlight with her "ultra-coolness" (free of dyes and perfumes!!!).

Even she couldn't quite understand how David slept through anything.

'Surfing Julia' comes with everything you see here, including drool and a definite appetite. Be sure to look for her other toys, including 'Crawling Backwards Julia' and 'Crouching Diaper Hidden Surprise Julia.'

Monday, December 18, 2006

Fun Fact

Click on the picture for the full-size image.

Friday, December 15, 2006 does a body good.

Wait until you see this. You remember this picture? It was taken around the 2 1/2 month age. Take a look:

And now, a picture from this week, very close to the 4 month age.

It's official. He's grown. At first, we just thought that our arms were getting weaker. And while that may be true, there is more evidence pointing to our son getting bigger and bigger. And man does this kid talk now. Might as well just get him his own phone line.

Here are a couple more pictures of him in this super-cool outfit-a-la-daddy. Enjoy!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Picture of the Day 12-11

I can hear it now. Off in the distance, a lecture exists, weaving itself in and out of time and space. Bits here, pieces there, abstract in nature but definite in purpose.


And while I let you try to figure out who could have used that line on me in my life, I'll get to the duties I have been shirking for the past few days. Something about school getting in the way...lots of house stuff to do...everyone was sick...let's see here, I can come up with some more excuses...had to paint the walls...wash my caught in the latest page-turning thriller by James Baker and Lee Hamilton...yep, those are enough excuses. Just pick one of those for your own pleasure, throw your lecture at me, and move on with your life. Seriously. Aren't there some pictures we came here to see? Not the ramblings of a man too busy to maintain the website? Geeze, where are your priorities...

These are some pictures from Thanksgiving at my parents' place. Enjoy!

Grampy and his three grandkids. Life is good.

According to Chelsea, this is her son. Please, don't take that idea any further than it need go.

Everyone's looking at the camera....except David, who's eyeing that turkey.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Picture of the Day 12-08

David has something else in common with his parents, besides a last name, some genetic material, and the love of sleep. David has the Darth Sniffles again, thanks to a sickness that began with mom, moved over to dad (who's been too busy this week), and then ended up in David's nose. Fun times in our house.

But judging by this picture...David just doesn't care.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Christmas Party part 2

Here are the rest of the pictures from the Christmas party!

"Yay! Aunt Emily and I!"

"Uncle Patrick and I, pounding fists."

"Great Grandpa and I!"

"I'm with the cool college man!"

"My daddy's personal favorite picture!"

Monday, December 04, 2006

Christmas Party

WELCOME TO POST #50! That's right. 50 posts ago, I was a new father, Heather's family had some new grandparents, and you were still trying to figure out if the internet was any good. What better way to celebrate than with the Christmas Party with Heather's family!

"Can it be? Can I maintain my spot as center of attention?"

"You bet I can!"

"They even love CHANGING MY DIAPER! This is the life. Although that third hand is kinda freakin me out."

"Hey! It's me and the Great Aunt Dian!"

"Aunt Jenny! Need...more...Aunt...Jenny...time...."

"Me, Mom, Aunt Merritt, and my first cousin (coming soon to a theatre near you)"

"Uncle Ian and Miriam! And me, of course!"

"So THIS is what it would be like to have hair. Kinda cool!"

Friday, December 01, 2006

Picture of the Day 12-1's been one of those weeks. My school has 6 performances in the month of December, and it's a really really busy time. So, this'll get that post about the awesome Christmas party. In the mean time, I'll just have to wet your appetite a wee bit.

Here's a picture of, sadly enough, David's new best friend. Nope, it's not his mom, or his dad. It would be...his hand.