EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Choose Your Own Caption

That's right, ladies and gentlemen. It's time to play another game of CHOOSE YOUR OWN CAPTION. While it may seem confusing that we've never done this before, that should only tell you how much more you'll enjoy it than the last time!

OK. Here's a caption-less picture. Leave a comment, and I'll add it to the post. Please, keep them (mostly) clean. Enjoy!

Reader Submissions:

"How can I get Surround Sound in my car seat?" -Jim

"Maybe if I just stare into space, and don't do anything cute, he'll put away that flashy clicky thing." -EuphGrampy

"Let's see now. Eat, check. Sleep, check. Gurgle and coo, check. Of course, that's it! Time for a dump!" -EuphGrampy

"So they think that funny thing is cute, just wait till they fall asleep and see what I do to pay them back! -EuphGrammy

"Ummm...Mom...Dad...the duck thing is mooning me." -FatherEuph

"I miss Aunt Kassie and Uncle Patrick - I wonder when Mommy and Daddy are going to take me to see them again?" - Aunt Kassie, who is REALLY POSITIVE that is what David is saying


Anonymous said...

"Maybe if I just stare into space, and don't do anything cute, he'll put away that flashy clicky thing."

Anonymous said...

Let's see now. Eat, check. Sleep, check. Gurgle and coo, check. Of course, that's it! Time for a dump!

Anonymous said...

So they think that funny thing is cute, just wait till they fall asleep and see what I do to pay them back!

Anonymous said...

"I miss Aunt Kassie and Uncle Patrick - I wonder when Mommy and Daddy are going to take me to see them again?"

I am really POSITIVE that is what he's saying.

Anonymous said...

OK Euphdad you win the contest so far for cute comments, although the surround sound is right up there!

Anonymous said...

When I go visit Grammy in Nassau I think I'm ready for my first piano lesson! I've got the music genes so why wait?