EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Vacation: 1st Birthday

Woo hoo! Not sure what a birthday is, but everyone else seems excited!

David had his first of many birthday parties on vacation (probably his first of many 'first' birthday parties), and seemed to enjoy himself quite a bit! He opened presents, and played with the wrapping paper! His attention span with the wrapping paper lasted about as long as Wow! A bike!

I'm doing all right, getting good grades. The future's so bright....

Well, I WAS going to try to put that light flame thingie in my mouth, but someone had to blow it out...

And while it seems he understands how to demonstrate the number one, we'll be correcting his choice of fingers soon.

And if, by chance you missed a reference to a pop song, you probably did not go through public school in the 80's.


Beth and Fritz said...

Looks like you're having fun....wish we were there with you!!

Anonymous said...

Loved all the pictures on the web site. Dad and I still talk about all the fun we had having everyone together. It was heaven for us. We are already looking forward to next year when we will all be at Blue Lagoon together again. Good luck with all your packing and moving. We will call you when we get home on Saturday.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I totally missed the song reference, but Paul got it... I guess you can tell I started 1st grade in 1991.... lol