EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Happy First Birthday David James

Please join us for a video celebration of the first year of our son's life. If you also have time, please leave a comment for us to have for now, and for David to have later in life.

With that said, we urge you to find a friend, kick back, and enjoy watching the memories of a wonderful year go by. Thanks to all for making this first year so fantastic, so beautiful, and so full of love and life.


UPDATE: Redid the file, improving the audio and video quality a tad, while fixing the two 'blacked-out' pictures.


Anonymous said...

Thaks for being such a sweet part of our lives as well. I feel so much closer to David for getting the privalge of taking care of him his last days here. God bless you all. Kim Damon

Anonymous said...

You should really make movies, Rob. I cried all the through this video. It is beautiful!!! Thank you David for making all our lives a whole lot better. You are truly a gift from God.


Anonymous said...

David, oh how you are loved!!!
I hope these pictures show you how you make every day a holiday and a reason to get your family together to celebrate you!
Aunt Cath
P.S. Whatever did your daddy do all day before he had you, the most photogenic baby, to take pictures of?

Beth and Fritz said...

Great video!! We can't wait to see David again and for Annabelle to meet David!!

Marcus Giovanni said...

¡¡Feliz CumpleaƱos David!!!

iamsam said...

David - We are so happy that you have moved closer so that we can be even more involved in your life!

Uncle Patrick, Aunt Kassie, and Sam