EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


I have officially made the move to owning webspace (for a small monthly fee). It is easy to use, and quite cheap, so I am quite happy. I have updated most of the things that were affected by this, but I still have some more to go. So, here are some updates!

  • THE MAIN PICTURE. It's back. Ooooh. Ahhh.

  • SLIDESHOWS. I have gotten rid of the old slideshows off of the main web page, and have given them their very own web page of their own. As new slideshows are put on the main page, old ones will effortlessly slide over to there. You can view this page by clicking the link under the slideshow at the top of the page or by clicking HERE.

  • VIDEO. There is a quick-access box to David's videos, and they play right off of the main page. Very cool addition, thanks to those crazy folks at Blogger.

A .one-year celebration thing coming soon, as is the updates to the Friends of David list.

Leave some comments on your thoughts to the updates, and suggestions on what you'd like to see! And check back, because more will be coming soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We would like to know what the green stuff on the floor is! Euphgrampy hopes it is celery because he doesn't like celery either. Do we have a new cousin yet? Please let us know when David get his newest cousin. Hope to see you all very soon.