EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Sally Ann and Denny

"Yay! We're going to see Sally Ann and Denny!"

Also out in Erie are a bunch of our cousins. Sally Ann (Aunt Sally's daughter) and Denny have been married for a while now, and have three wonderful children. The oldest is Heather (who couldn't make it this weekend - we miss you girl! We'll see you next time), followed by Matthew, and then Michael.

They are very very cool (David agrees). They fed us lots of wonderful food, and had us over several times. It is always great to see them.

Matthew is like the best dancer ever in the world in his age group. No no, I'm serious. His dancing group is going to the Worlds competition. Suffice to say, I'm pretty certain he could out-dance me. Of course, DAVID could out-dance me, but we're not going there. More importantly, he enjoyed feeding David (check back in the next couple of days).

Michael is into BMX biking (just check out his clothes). I think I overheard him being placed like 4th in the East, or West, or solar system. Yeah, he's good. Fortunately, he also likes to feed David.

Everyone wants to be like David.


Anonymous said...

How great to see you get together with your aunt, grandmother and cousins. David will know he has a wonderful extended (or is that far-out) family and is surrounded with tons of love! Just how many of us do you think we could fit in Aunt Sally's house? Glad you made it home safely. Love to All

Anonymous said...

We loved having David - and Rob and Heather, too! We are always happy to have anyone (or everyone) over and you know we'll never let ya go hungry! It was soo fun to see the boys with David - they love babies! Come back SOON!!!