EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Aunt Sally

Aunt Sally is one of my dad's two sisters. For the second visit in a row, she allowed us to stay in her house. It was very cool.

Aunt Sally is great. Besides working and talking with her own kids, she gets to see her three grandchildren all the time. She is also over taking care of Gigi all the time. There's lots of 'all the time' in Aunt Sally's life, yet she still has time for everyone. She's great. And all of these pictures were taken with her digital camera, which was also very very sweet. Lugging around a suitcase for a camera (that's my mega-camera) isn't all that convenient, especially when you're also lugging around a 7 month old and a diaper bag.

Her house was very comfortable (Jim especially enjoyed the Futon), but we discovered something else extremely cool. In particular, David found quite a bit of enjoyment from it.

Thanks Aunt Sally for putting us up again! Hope to see you soon! David has been asking about you (while it sounds like "ba ba ba ba ba ba," we, as his parents, are interpreting it that way).

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