EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Friday, January 05, 2007 this thing even on?

(kick)(kick) Start, darn you! What's wrong? (kick)(kick). Can someone give me a jump?

Yes. I'm aware that, while the wrapping paper pictures is really cute, it has lost its cuteness over the past 12 or so days, when you expect to see something new on the page, and are instead treated to the same old same old.

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It's been REALLY busy. First week back, Christmas gifts still unpacked, laundry to be done, no real extra day off as we began school on Jan 2nd. This four day week has seen the musical auditions, music needs I had to do, curriculum stuff I had due (and overdue), and a budget to be submitted. I am also rewriting curriculum for 5th grade band, and am organizing my curriculum for 6th grade. And I have a student teacher coming in about a week and a half. So, it's been crazy.


Sometime soon. Within the next day or two...something new...something wonderful...

...something that won't have wrapping paper.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
At least you didn't have to take the Christmas decorations down!