EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Monday, January 15, 2007

Happy MLK Sick Day

That's right. It's a day off, and Heather and I are both sick. David is doing fine, though, which is a big relief. Heather's worse than I am, so I'm on daddy/wife/work duty today. How did I find time to do this post? They're all sleeping.

This picture takes us back to Christmas Break. Wonderful picture.

This is David's favorite way to start out the morning.


Anonymous said...

Hope you noticed that it was the business section, not sports.

FatherEuph said...

Hey now. The bib he's wearing didn't say LITTLE STOCK MARKET FAN, now, did it?

Anonymous said...

his cousin myles picked that bib out go jets