EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Sunday, January 21, 2007

5 months!

Yay! I'm five months old!

It's hard to believe, but our son is now a whopping 5 months old. He is now sleeping through the night (except for the occasional "waaaaa, my pacifier fell out" nightly episodes), he's drooling up a storm, and he has graduated into size 3 diapers. While he still can't flip himself over, he is well known for doing a 90 degree rotation in his crib, and can mostly sit up by himself. He also likes movies about gladiators, long walks on the, that's not right. Scrap those last ones.

To fully understand how much he's grown in the past couple months, let's take a brief tour on our MAGICAL MYSTERY MARIANNE BLANKET.

Some of you may recall this picture, taken on the eve of his 2-month birthday. Behold...our son. I'm so proud...he sleeps/drools just like his daddy (sniff, sniff).

A week before his 3-month birthday, we see this little guy again in a picture a bit familiar (this was the pre-guitar photo).

A bit after his 4-month birthday, this picture was taken with his friend Julia. At this point, Julia could do the surfer-baby thing on her tummy. David just cried like a...well...a baby. He can do it now, though.

Well, here's the little guy at 5 months. He's developing quite the muscle tone, so we're expecting that, any day now, he'll be able to sit up, roll over, dunk a basketball, and juggle flaming torches.

Happy 5th month alive, little guy!


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful boy you are! This is one of my favorite pictures yet. He is so blessed to have such a good mommy who spends so much time with him and obviously loves him very very much. I can't wait for the next picture!

Anonymous said...

Where are the pictures you promised me on Thursday night?

Anonymous said...

what a kid his aunt sue and uncle brian miss him. and also his parents