EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Sunday, January 21, 2007

5 months!

Yay! I'm five months old!

It's hard to believe, but our son is now a whopping 5 months old. He is now sleeping through the night (except for the occasional "waaaaa, my pacifier fell out" nightly episodes), he's drooling up a storm, and he has graduated into size 3 diapers. While he still can't flip himself over, he is well known for doing a 90 degree rotation in his crib, and can mostly sit up by himself. He also likes movies about gladiators, long walks on the, that's not right. Scrap those last ones.

To fully understand how much he's grown in the past couple months, let's take a brief tour on our MAGICAL MYSTERY MARIANNE BLANKET.

Some of you may recall this picture, taken on the eve of his 2-month birthday. Behold...our son. I'm so proud...he sleeps/drools just like his daddy (sniff, sniff).

A week before his 3-month birthday, we see this little guy again in a picture a bit familiar (this was the pre-guitar photo).

A bit after his 4-month birthday, this picture was taken with his friend Julia. At this point, Julia could do the surfer-baby thing on her tummy. David just cried like a...well...a baby. He can do it now, though.

Well, here's the little guy at 5 months. He's developing quite the muscle tone, so we're expecting that, any day now, he'll be able to sit up, roll over, dunk a basketball, and juggle flaming torches.

Happy 5th month alive, little guy!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

MLK Sick Day Follow-Up

Well, I alluded to Heather and I being sick, with Heather getting the worst of it. However, her worse got worse, and it also became painfully (literally) aware that I had the same exact thing Heather had, only 4 hours later than her. So, however she felt, I knew I'd go through the same thing.

1 vacation day (Mon), 1 sick day (Tue), and 2.5 pounds later (I'll leave out the remaining details of the illness), we're almost back to normal. David was the PERFECT ANGEL the whole time, being extra-content as his parents were extra-out-of-it both Monday and Tuesday. We have been blessed with a wonderful little guy, and he earned so many baby points yesterday and today by being the anti-needy.

So, life resumes. Winter has arrived, we have snow on the ground, and everything seems (almost) normal again. We've broken out the cold-gear for transfering David around, especially because it's supposed to be below 0 tonight.

Not like we're going anywhere tonight. Good grief.

Wait. It's how cold? Why do we live up here?
This thing you call "SUMMER" better we worth it.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Happy MLK Sick Day

That's right. It's a day off, and Heather and I are both sick. David is doing fine, though, which is a big relief. Heather's worse than I am, so I'm on daddy/wife/work duty today. How did I find time to do this post? They're all sleeping.

This picture takes us back to Christmas Break. Wonderful picture.

This is David's favorite way to start out the morning.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Picture of the Day 1-11

This was also taken over break after the Jets had won their game to get into the playoffs.

..before the Jets lost their game IN the playoffs.

Hey, man. Can't win them all. At least we won more than we lost.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

And....we're back.

Yes. I suck. The good news, however, is that I have cute pictures.

These are pre-Christmas break. Smaller baby, yet same ability to strike a pose.

Calm. Poised. Deep in thought.

Relaxed. Cool. Confident.

4 months old, and the boy already has a drinking problem.

Friday, January 05, 2007 this thing even on?

(kick)(kick) Start, darn you! What's wrong? (kick)(kick). Can someone give me a jump?

Yes. I'm aware that, while the wrapping paper pictures is really cute, it has lost its cuteness over the past 12 or so days, when you expect to see something new on the page, and are instead treated to the same old same old.

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It's been REALLY busy. First week back, Christmas gifts still unpacked, laundry to be done, no real extra day off as we began school on Jan 2nd. This four day week has seen the musical auditions, music needs I had to do, curriculum stuff I had due (and overdue), and a budget to be submitted. I am also rewriting curriculum for 5th grade band, and am organizing my curriculum for 6th grade. And I have a student teacher coming in about a week and a half. So, it's been crazy.


Sometime soon. Within the next day or two...something new...something wonderful...

...something that won't have wrapping paper.