EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Three Generations

I've been reading the Old Testament lately. 1st Chronicles....9 consecutive chapters on the genealogy of the tribes of David. Fun reading, let me tell you. Fortunately for us, ours is simpler.

The Genealogy of David.

Alan was the father of Heather and Patrick.
Heather married Rob, and had David as a son.
Patrick married Kassie, and begot (coming soon to a hospital near you).

And they were all very photogenic.

1 comment:

Aunt Cath said...

Yay, the pictures are back! Thank you, Rob! I know you're very busy this week so it means even more that you're tending to David's fan base!

The slideshow of David and Grandpa Alan reading the newspaper together is priceless!

Have a great concert!
Aunt Cath