EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day!

That's right! My very first Father's Day! We spent it....returning from Grampa and Grandma's house. Yay! But the day before, we spent some time at Aunt Jenny's graduation party! Here are some pictures of first time Father's Day Fathers!

This is Uncle Tim (of the Aunt Merritt and Uncle Tim duo) and his son, Benjamin - who is called Benny. Now the crazy part - while David is a few days shy of 10 months...Benjamin is only 2 months old!

And we will leave you with this last picture. Along with the two new fathers are the two grandfathers of these babies. Notice the looks of optimism and freedom on their faces.
The kind of picture you can make captions about for weeks.

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