EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Picture of the Day 4-29

As my wife and son prepare to leave for a couple days, and I prepare to come home to a boring and empty house, I offer you this photo of the two people I will be missing like crazy over the next few days.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Picture of the Day 4-25

Daddy and David, during Daddy's one sick day last month.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Bath Day

These are some of my favorite pictures of all time. cute is this kid?

Once again, David proudly displays his turtle face.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Picture of the Day 4-22

"Whew, this week wore me out!"

The new way David sleeps. His head is up against something, his thumb is in his mouth, and his other hand on his head.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Monday, April 16, 2007

Picture of the Day 4-16

Remember all of those pictures I promised you? Check back daily for the next couple weeks, and you'll have one or two new ones. And they are ADORABLE.

In honor of my snow day (on a day where all the other schools in the county chose this day to be a give-back snow day, so everyone else already had vacation today), I will feature my beautiful wife and child, who I get one more wonderful day with before I return to school.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Final Pics from Erie

Here are our final pictures from our Erie trip. We had a great time (as did David by evidence of ALL the smiles). Thanks again to everyone who hosted us, and who we got to see! Love you guys!!!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

How To Feed David

Here is a step by step plan on how to feed David. Feel free to practice at home on your cabbage patch kid (yes, we know you STILL have it).

Step 1
Always make sure you have his attention. If you don't when you try to feed never goes well.

Step 2
With food on the spoon, bring it towards his face. Feel free to aim at the mouth, but this is not necessary, as he will try to bring his mouth in the direction of the food.

Step 3
Insert spoon into open mouth. Allow him to close mouth. Pull spoon out, trapping the food behind his upper lip.

Step 4
Success has been achieved. Allow him a moment to enjoy success while you reload the spoon for another go.

Step 5
Use all available means to prevent him from talking. This is the "You say it, you spray it" law. HazMat suits are a very smart option.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Beth and Fritz

Also out in Erie were Beth and Fritz. Beth is another one of Aunt Sally's daughters, and has been married to Fritz for some time now. They are going to be adopting a child very soon. In fact, the child has been born already (in Korea), and in the next month or two they'll be getting the call to go out there. We're very excited, as is David.

Fritz is one of those cool people who does some job that he can't talk all that much about. So I'm going to make one up. He is the lead ninja in the Army's special l33t-ninja brigade, going in to crazy situations with no hope, because Ninja's are immortal and know everything. Yep, that's Fritz. Beth has NO IDEA she's married to a ninja. Well, I guess the secret is out. Hopefully, he won't come kill me now that I told everyone. If he does...I've already trained David to maintain the website. So no worried there.

Beth works in a school (don't we all?!?), but more importantly had her first baby shower of many to come. She is so excited to have a child that she and my wife had several conversations about it (with more to come, I'm sure). And we are certain - the two of them are going to do great! Good luck Beth and Fritz!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Sally Ann and Denny

"Yay! We're going to see Sally Ann and Denny!"

Also out in Erie are a bunch of our cousins. Sally Ann (Aunt Sally's daughter) and Denny have been married for a while now, and have three wonderful children. The oldest is Heather (who couldn't make it this weekend - we miss you girl! We'll see you next time), followed by Matthew, and then Michael.

They are very very cool (David agrees). They fed us lots of wonderful food, and had us over several times. It is always great to see them.

Matthew is like the best dancer ever in the world in his age group. No no, I'm serious. His dancing group is going to the Worlds competition. Suffice to say, I'm pretty certain he could out-dance me. Of course, DAVID could out-dance me, but we're not going there. More importantly, he enjoyed feeding David (check back in the next couple of days).

Michael is into BMX biking (just check out his clothes). I think I overheard him being placed like 4th in the East, or West, or solar system. Yeah, he's good. Fortunately, he also likes to feed David.

Everyone wants to be like David.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Aunt Sally

Aunt Sally is one of my dad's two sisters. For the second visit in a row, she allowed us to stay in her house. It was very cool.

Aunt Sally is great. Besides working and talking with her own kids, she gets to see her three grandchildren all the time. She is also over taking care of Gigi all the time. There's lots of 'all the time' in Aunt Sally's life, yet she still has time for everyone. She's great. And all of these pictures were taken with her digital camera, which was also very very sweet. Lugging around a suitcase for a camera (that's my mega-camera) isn't all that convenient, especially when you're also lugging around a 7 month old and a diaper bag.

Her house was very comfortable (Jim especially enjoyed the Futon), but we discovered something else extremely cool. In particular, David found quite a bit of enjoyment from it.

Thanks Aunt Sally for putting us up again! Hope to see you soon! David has been asking about you (while it sounds like "ba ba ba ba ba ba," we, as his parents, are interpreting it that way).

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Trip to Erie

Funny thing I've noticed. When I get several days with Heather and David, I'm really bad at updating the site. Well...can you blame me?

I'm putting my bunches of pictures off to the side for a few posts to show off David's wonderful trip out to Erie. We got to see tons and tons of our awesome relatives out there, most of which David was meeting for the first time. We were especially glad that David got to meet his great-grandmother Gigi (sounds like McGee). We have lots of pictures, and they'll be coming out over the past few days. But first...the pictures from our visit to Gigi.

Gigi, with great-grandchild #4.

"Look! Uncle Jim is here too!"

Friday, April 06, 2007

Leaving to Visit The Family!

We're off to see a bunch of my extended family, including my grandmother (and David's great-grandmother). We'll have lots of updates from there (plus all of the pictures I promised you coming out over the next several days) so check back often! time means I get to sleep more!