EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Saturday, March 31, 2007


Well, my wife and son are away for the weekend. With my few days of freedom comes my few days of missing them like crazy. So I'm free to do a bit of tinkering to the site, including the new slideshow on the top of the page, which will stay there.

Updates will now be posted BELOW the new slideshow. Hope you notice that!


Anonymous said...

I love the new slide show--but I liked last week-end better when I could hold David and feed him and kiss him! Dad and I had the greatest time with him (and of course with the two of you too). We are already looking forward to our trip in June. Hope you had a wonderful time in Albany, Heather and that you will have a good trip next week-end.

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures on the blog, but they don't compare to the real thing. (I see euphgrammy already had a similar comment.) His smiles, talking, and putting his hands behind his head when tired are adorable.