EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Sunday, March 18, 2007

7 Months!

Apologies for the week-long hiatus from posting. It must have been tough. I noticed a couple of things over the last week...stock market took a big hit, gas prices went up, the dollar versus the yen went down, and tensions are as hot as ever between the factions of water and oil. I'm confident they'll work out their differences sooner or later.

The musical is in full swing at my school (it goes up in 5 days), so posting time has been a bit limited. But to welcome you all back and restore your sanity, I'm offering something a bit new. Enjoy, and it may take a while to download (6 Meg file).

David James at 6 months...enjoying the sound effects of his father and mastering the art of standing by himself.

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