EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Monday, February 12, 2007

Super Bowl Party!

Yup. We're still here. And I have a really funny story for you all, but it's going to have to wait until I have time to do a really good post on it. So, as we wait for me to have time (think about that for a minute, but not too hard, because it may hurt), I'll pass the time with some other pictures.

We went to a Super Bowl party, and while the Jets didn't win, it was still a good time. Here is David, all decked out in his football outfit (with back-up at the ready, in case the pizza doesn't sit right with him):

And here's David after we got him home. Too much of that spiked punch, we think (lots of alcohol at those Christian Super Bowl parties).

Hope you Steeler's fans enjoyed the pictures!


Anonymous said...

David is the best looking Steeler I have ever seen. Hope someday he makes as much money as a Steeler! I can!t wait to show this to Mrs Iuele because she gave this outfit to him. I am going to have to make sure he is a Steeler fan--not like his father--a jets fan! Boo-hiss--Steelers role!

Anonymous said...

I can't spell either --Steelers RULe!