EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Heather: Photographer Extraordinaire

There is a common mis-conception or two that I would like to clear up with the greater public that is out there in the world.
  • Heather takes pictures, too! In fact, the 6-month slideshow was all her. I'm going to have to start crediting her more.

  • Mis-conception does not use a hyphen. That's right, folks. It's actually spelled 'misconception.' Great pictures AND educational. What a website this is!

  • I cannot grow a beard. Shocking, I know, to imagine that I have problems growing hair, but I do. Gave it over a week, and it looked like a golf course - some nice lines of trees here and there, but plenty of fairway.

So, the next several pictures will all be featuring my wife's crazy good photographic eye. Enjoy.

Photographed by my wife, Heather.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love this picture too! I have already sent this one out to three people and showed it at school and everywhere. I never get tired of seeing David's pictures! Thanks,