Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Heather Series: Reflections
This was a great series of pictures that Heather took of David in a small closet room we have in our place. It was very hard to decide which ones were the best, but here are my favorite four.
And ending with my personal favorite...
That's right, y'all. My wife has skillz.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Heather: Photographer Extraordinaire
- Heather takes pictures, too! In fact, the 6-month slideshow was all her. I'm going to have to start crediting her more.
- Mis-conception does not use a hyphen. That's right, folks. It's actually spelled 'misconception.' Great pictures AND educational. What a website this is!
- I cannot grow a beard. Shocking, I know, to imagine that I have problems growing hair, but I do. Gave it over a week, and it looked like a golf course - some nice lines of trees here and there, but plenty of fairway.
So, the next several pictures will all be featuring my wife's crazy good photographic eye. Enjoy.
Photographed by my wife, Heather.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Picture of the Day: 2-22
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Happy 6 Month Birthday!
The slideshow is now up and running off of the main site, in the left panel. I'm leaving the links here of the original pictures where the slideshow came from.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Baby's First Injury
This story comes as a summary of the 5 or 6 times I've heard my wife tell this story to her friends and family. It happened 2 weeks ago...this has been the first chance for me to sit down and record this story to be passed on from generation to generation.
So I am clipping David's fingernails. We're both on the floor, with him in my lap, and I'm reaching around him to clip his nails. So I start with his thumb, on his left hand. "Clip" "clip" goes the clipper! On to the index finger I go! "Clip." "Clip." "Squish."
Squish? That's odd. I look down, and low and behold, there is a little piece of skin missing. It didn't look so bad, so I went on and finished his hand. I go back and take a look at that finger, and squeeze it like you would a papercut.
**EDITOR'S NOTE: I'm not sure what my wife is talking about here. I have a papercut...it hurts. I leave it the heck alone.
Rob, it's to see if it's going to bleed or not. You are a big wimp. Anyway. A few drops of blood came out, so I grabbed a tissue and pinched it. David just starts to fuss, so I move to the chair to nurse him, tissue in hand. I keep his hand up in the air, continuing to apply direct pressure to his finger, and nurse him for a few minutes. I check the cut, and it's still bleeding. I move the tissue over, and nurse for a few more minutes.
I start to worry that my basic first-aid measures are not working. I even concentrate really hard on the direct pressure thing, and watch the clock. 2 minutes. 3 minutes. 5 minutes. And it's still bleeding. Hmmm...
New tissue.
So I call the pediatrician and explain the situation. I'm not sure how much blood a little person can lose through his finger in 15 minutes, but it seems like a lot to me. The nurse on the phone asks how soon I can get there (that was fun). I tell her 5 minutes, hang up, and suddenly realize that I'm still in my PJ's.
I made it there in 8 minutes. I was able to cut some corners (switch the nightgown for the sweatshirt, didn't tie my shoelaces) but not all corners (still had my PJ bottoms on). I explain everything to the doctor, and she gently presses for more information. I tell her everything, still feeling fairly relaxed about the situation. The doctor takes a closer look.
"Well, there's no room to suture."
The relaxed feeling has left the building. Stitches, I thought? Actually, the thought was more like STITCHES?!?!?!????
David enjoyed some happy attention from the nurse while she held his hand still, and the doctor used "Dermabond" until it stopped bleeding. FYI: Dermabond is like Super-Glue for our skin. All during the process, the doctor gave the typical warnings about not getting stuck to the glue, similar to the warnings you see on Super-Glue (like "don't use superglue and immediately itch your ear or pick your nose. Wash your hands first"). At the end, she covered the tip of his finger with gauze, and then covered it with a bandage, attaching it to his middle finger, around his hand and thumb, and back again (picture a two year old playing the 'cat in the craddle' yarn game). Then she taped it, had me put a sock over it "so he wouldn't suck on it," and instructed me to do this myself every day for the next four to five days.
Sidenote: David was just learning to grab things with his left hand. Today, nearly three weeks later, he just come to this realization again. His right hand is doing much better, totally healed, and all is well.
There you have it. A narration from my wife, with a few snippets (that passed her proofread) from me. And in conclusion, I will sign off with an uncanny resemblance of my son to an old Nintendo game.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Updates to the Site
Snow days bring some extra time. Extra time brings me to the website. Had some time to do some updates. Here is the list:
- The Statistics of David: I'm going to keep an update running on some specific updates of David. It's now in the left panel of this web page, near the top. Any stats you want to see added? LEAVE A COMMENT about it!
- 2 Month Slideshow: A project I've wanted to do for several months is now complete. Scroll down on the left side of this page, and look for it!
- Archive: The old posts are now archived in a newer, easier to use way. Click the arrow on the side of each month, and that will open a drop-down menu of the posts in that month. I really had little to do with this - the Blogger website has this as part of its new options. It's cool.
- General Updates: Made some color, header, and size adjustments. Leave feedback on it if you like it or dislike it!
Enjoy. I'm going to go show my wife.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Super Bowl Party!
We went to a Super Bowl party, and while the Jets didn't win, it was still a good time. Here is David, all decked out in his football outfit (with back-up at the ready, in case the pizza doesn't sit right with him):
And here's David after we got him home. Too much of that spiked punch, we think (lots of alcohol at those Christian Super Bowl parties).
Hope you Steeler's fans enjoyed the pictures!
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Best Pictures Ever
Organizing the Buffet
Click HERE for all slideshows.
The Web-Stats of David
The Statistics of David
Born: August 18th, 2006
Current Age: 2 Years!!!
Current Stats: Blue eyes, light brown hair. 28 lbs.
Clothes Size: 2T/3T. Wearing Pampers Size 5 (not Cruisers).
Newest Word: "Zoinks." Daddy had some fun teaching that to him.
Newest Phrase: "Go outside yes." The "go outside" is him asking 'can I go outside,' as we have taught him to say. The "yes" is our answer, which he still repeats back to us, no matter what we do. He's also starting to get used to the fact that "no" is a possible answer, but he typically doesn't care.
Latest Accomplishment: He can turn on our lamp by the switch near the light bulb.
Currently... napping. Hence my time to update the site.