EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

New Recliner

A week or two ago, we got a new chair for Heather, because the one I have (from my late Grandfather), is really comfortable, really big, and really only works for people 6' tall and more (he was like 6' 3" or 6' 4" and all leg). Needless to say, David is very excited about the new addition to the living room.

"What, I'm supposed to be impressed with this? I'm not being fed, so I don't care."

"Oh, this will help me get fed? Then I'll be happy!"

"Still happy! Really really happy! (Can I eat now?")


Anonymous said...

I love David's new chair. Euphgrammy and Euphgrampy just got a new one last week-end. We are finally replacing the one that went to college in 1990! We hope David will be able to sit in it at Chriatmastime. We wish him (and Mommy) many happy hours in their new chair. I am still waiting to hear the color of his eyes!

FatherEuph said...

I can't wait to see the new chair! And as to his eyes:

Rob's response: So...I'm posting a new picture of him every day. Pictures have colors. David is typically in the pictures. So...

Heather's response: Rob, you can't tell from the pictures! They are still blue.