That's right, ladies and gentlemen. It's CHOOSE YOUR OWN CAPTION day.
I have this great camera, you see. It takes really good, really fast pictures. So I can see a great moment, and shoot off like 5 to 10 pictures. And typically, I delete about 90%, leaving a really good 10% of pictures for you, the slightly-spoiled-but-still-esteemed public.
Every once in a while, for some strange, sick, and twisted way, one of those horrific pictures gets through. The kind of pictures where I'll have to do something for my wife to make it up to her. The kind where people double-take. The kind that inspire quotes of animated characters from ficticious movies.
(WOAH...didn't mean to LEAD you like that...(cough)GULLUM (cough)GULLUM...I was just seeking inspiration, my precious).
So, enjoy, post your caption in the comment box, and I'll add it to the main post. Enjoy, and know that my wife is not going to be happy with me.
("What? You did WHAT? Wait a minute, THAT picture? Oh, you are in SO MUCH TROUBLE, you have NO IDEA!!!")
Honey, please. Not in front of my friends. Ok, sorry about that folks. ON WITH THE PICTURE!!!
"So, this is fun and all, but I think I just threw up in my mouth." - Euphdad
"Oh, no! It's the guy with the zoom lens again. I wish he would just get those flash bulbs out of my face! Why won't he take more pictures of the birthday girl?" - Aunt Cath
"Hmm....maybe if I twist like THIS I can poop up my back..." - Paul
"You just WAIT til I'm old enough to get ahold of that camera thing." - Becca
"You're how old, mom?" - EuphGrammy
Organizing the Buffet
Click HERE for all slideshows.
The Web-Stats of David
The Statistics of David
Born: August 18th, 2006
Current Age: 2 Years!!!
Current Stats: Blue eyes, light brown hair. 28 lbs.
Clothes Size: 2T/3T. Wearing Pampers Size 5 (not Cruisers).
Newest Word: "Zoinks." Daddy had some fun teaching that to him.
Newest Phrase: "Go outside yes." The "go outside" is him asking 'can I go outside,' as we have taught him to say. The "yes" is our answer, which he still repeats back to us, no matter what we do. He's also starting to get used to the fact that "no" is a possible answer, but he typically doesn't care.
Latest Accomplishment: He can turn on our lamp by the switch near the light bulb.
Currently... napping. Hence my time to update the site.
There were less than 43 hits on the site. I look at the pictures multiple times a day.
Hey! That's not a COMMENT for the caption! But we appreciate all returning viewers, and especially Grandfa-whoops, almost said the G word.
You're how old, Mom!
Oh, no! It's that guy with the zoom lens again. I wish he would just get those flash bulbs out of my face! Why won't he take more pictures of the birthday girl?
"Hmmmm... maybe if I twist like THIS I can poop up my back...."
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