EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Sunday, November 26, 2006

First Night Out

On Friday, my wife and I (pictured on the right. That's my wife, in case you can't figure out who's who) were treated to our first night away. We got to go to my wife's 10 year high school reunion, where everyone spends the first hour catching up, and the next 3 trying to be high school students again (except it's legal to drink now!).

So, because we were around family, Heather and I were able to spend our first evening away from David at the same time. It was kind of surreal. We had to take turns crying so that it would feel natural.

So, we're on our way out, but Dianne's camera stops working, so the photo of us never happened. But, through the magic of Photoshop, I was able to DIGITALLY superimpose myself in the picture, in such a realistic and authentic way that no one would be the wiser.

Despite my scathing sarcasm, it WAS a good time (thanks Josh and Liz!!!). Very good time. Heather got to see a lot of high school friends, and spent a load of time catching up. Very cool evening. But back to the important stuff.

As much as I would love to offer a full narration of David's evening...I wasn't there! Now I HEAR that David had a good time, that he got to do lots of fun stuff and be around lots of cool people. Apparently, he even got to take a bath. And while there is no proof of this, David hasn't told me anything different, so I'll take it all as truth.

For your viewing pleasure, here is the story of David's first night away from the parents. It will be told in the perfect way for the culture of the 21st century: lots of pictures, few words.

Grand Alan gets some quality time with his first grandson.

Uncle Patrick and Aunt Kassie are always there to help David have the best of times!

Bath time!

It's FUN to be naked!

Seriously, Dad. No more posting bath pictures. It's the best!

Grand Alan time again!

More Grand Alan time!

Man time! Just us guys, hanging out.

Kassie time! Happy day!

Finally...sleep. Chameleon-style.

NEXT POST: The Christmas Party!

Friday, November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving at Daddy's House

David, meet a turkey. Turkey, meet David.

David has his first Thanksgiving day at his father's house. It was a very good time, with Grammy and Grampy getting to enjoy a day with their two sons, two daughters-in-law, and three grandchildren. Let's introduce the players...

Name: Grampy

Status: Grandfather

Primary Function: Dropping Pearls of Wisdom, Carving Turkey

Of Note: Coming back from shoulder surgery, he cannot lift things with his right arm. He can, however, enjoy his newest grandson.

Name: Grammy

Status: Grandmother

Primary Function: Mashed Potatoes, Stuffing.

Of Note: Got to feed David for the first time. Got pooped on by David for the first time.
Name: Heather

Status: Mother

Primary Function: Maker of the Schedule, Supplier of the Food

Of Note: One week into enforcing a schedule, David is practically sleeping through the night.
Name: Jim

Status: Uncle

Primary Function: Comic Relief

Of Note: Being the great dad he is, he drove home after dinner to get something important his son had forgotten.
Name: Cathy

Status: Aunt

Primary Function: Photographer, Fantastic Pillow

Of Note: Awesome picture-taker. Also able to put a fussy baby to sleep.

Name: Chelsea

Status: Niece

Primary Function: Dancing, Accidentally Waking up David

Of Note: Gave us a fantastic dance show. In this picture, she's mid-spin.

Name: Justin

Status: Nephew

Primary Function: Author, Star Wars Monopoly Superstar

Of Note: Finally lost in a game of Monopoly, bringing his overall record to 850 wins, 1 loss. Lost gracefully, and with honor. Also wrote a book that was AWESOME.

As always, dinner was awesome, the day was very relaxing, and I ate way too much food. David was a great sport, sitting at the table and not knowing how great solid food could be.


Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Fanbase, forgive me. I have sinned. It has been 5 days since my last post.

It all started at the end of last week. My brother came up, with his free-year-old daughter. There was a lot going on. I know, that is an excuse. Let me show you a photo of my son before we go on.

David enjoys some quality Daddy Time.

He spoke at my church several times. He, of course, being my brother, and not my son. David doesn't speak much at church, and when he does, it's usually not is mouth making the sounds. Anyway, I digress...

My brother spoke at the Men's Breakfast, and again for the Sunday sermon. It was a great time, and his words were awesome and very motivating. Mountains in people's lives have been moved. I heard of people's lives forever being changed by it. True stuff. But, more importantly, Chelsea got to hold baby David again.

David enjoys some quality Chelsea Time.

It was at this point that we began to see how much Chelsea and baby David look alike. Please, look closely. Especially the face. I mean, come on - they even pose the same way.

They just pose so....naturally. So...similarly.

It was at this point that we REALLY began to see the similarities. Their face, their nose, their likely-hood of listening to their father on the first's all there! I mean, imagine, for a moment, if David had hair, Chelsea had a pacifier, and they had on the same color shirt...

So, anyhow, it was a long weekend. My apologies for the missing posts. We are getting ready to leave to visit both families. David can't wait to see everyone! I leave you all with David's favorite chair.

The Throne of David.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Choose Your Own Caption II

That's right, ladies and gentlemen. It's CHOOSE YOUR OWN CAPTION day.

I have this great camera, you see. It takes really good, really fast pictures. So I can see a great moment, and shoot off like 5 to 10 pictures. And typically, I delete about 90%, leaving a really good 10% of pictures for you, the slightly-spoiled-but-still-esteemed public.

Every once in a while, for some strange, sick, and twisted way, one of those horrific pictures gets through. The kind of pictures where I'll have to do something for my wife to make it up to her. The kind where people double-take. The kind that inspire quotes of animated characters from ficticious movies.

(WOAH...didn't mean to LEAD you like that...(cough)GULLUM (cough)GULLUM...I was just seeking inspiration, my precious).

So, enjoy, post your caption in the comment box, and I'll add it to the main post. Enjoy, and know that my wife is not going to be happy with me.

("What? You did WHAT? Wait a minute, THAT picture? Oh, you are in SO MUCH TROUBLE, you have NO IDEA!!!")

Honey, please. Not in front of my friends. Ok, sorry about that folks. ON WITH THE PICTURE!!!

"So, this is fun and all, but I think I just threw up in my mouth." - Euphdad

"Oh, no! It's the guy with the zoom lens again. I wish he would just get those flash bulbs out of my face! Why won't he take more pictures of the birthday girl?" - Aunt Cath

"Hmm....maybe if I twist like THIS I can poop up my back..." - Paul

"You just WAIT til I'm old enough to get ahold of that camera thing." - Becca

"You're how old, mom?" - EuphGrammy

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Old Recliner

Hey! This isn't the new recliner! I don't want to be here! It's so...big! I'm so...alone!

Yay! That's better! I have all my best friends! There's Mickey, and my colored cube, and my tooth pillow! Yay!

Yay! I'm happy! Quick, go get your camera!

Happy day!

Editor's Note: Want to see some crazy growth? Look carefully at the first picture, compared to the other three. Notice how he looks smaller in the first picture? Well, that's because he IS. It was taken one week ago.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Sleeping David

It seems to be a well-known, widely pulbicized fact: David likes to sleep. Over the past several weeks, we have been studying David's sleeping pattern very carefully. It is time that this government-elected bipartisan committee present their results, so that the rest of the country, the people, and the entire world may benefit from doing what they do with every other government-elected bipartisan committee report: completely ignore it.

  • David likes to sleep.

  • We like it when David sleeps.

  • David seems to be able to sleep just about anywhere.

  • Noise does not seem to be a factor in David's sleeping habits.

  • Letting David sleep from 12:30-3:30PM in the afternoon does not lead to a good night of sleep for the rest of us.

We will conclude this report with David's 4 favorite places to sleep.

#4 - On the Marianne blanket.

Most comfortable blanket in the floor.

#3 - On Daddy.

While it's the 3rd favorite place to sleep, it remains #1 in "best place to drool."

#2 - In Mommy's Lap.

Does anyone else's spine work this way?

#1 - In my new bed!

Just broke this out last week! He loves it.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Photoshop Friday

That's right, it's the first-annual Photoshop Friday. Photoshop is one of the more famous picture editing programs, often used by people for three main purposes:
  • to put their head on a model (often times of the opposite sex)

  • to give themselves a light-sabre from Star Wars

  • to put their friend's head on an animal of choice

So, ignoring the simple fact that it is Saturday and not Friday, I offer you the first annual Photoshop Friday.

Just like his daddy.

Monday, November 06, 2006

A Baby's Typical Day



Work out.

What? That's not doctored! Totally legit!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Picture of the Day 11-2

"3 more weeks until I get to see my Aunt Jenny again!"

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

New Recliner

A week or two ago, we got a new chair for Heather, because the one I have (from my late Grandfather), is really comfortable, really big, and really only works for people 6' tall and more (he was like 6' 3" or 6' 4" and all leg). Needless to say, David is very excited about the new addition to the living room.

"What, I'm supposed to be impressed with this? I'm not being fed, so I don't care."

"Oh, this will help me get fed? Then I'll be happy!"

"Still happy! Really really happy! (Can I eat now?")