EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Christmas Day #4 (32 days later)

Our fourth Christmas ended out our 2007, and it was an awesome time. Here are a bunch of pictures of the people we got to visit (not all - we missed photographing a bunch!). What a great time!

Try as we may, the cat was too distracted by under the tree to properly smile for the camera.

Madeleine was by far the most photogenic of the bunch.

Here's Madeleine again...or is that Julia?

It appears young Julia is also photogenic.

Got babies?

Julia poses in her new cape.

Super Michael runs through the house showing off HIS cape.

Learning to give and share at an early age.

Daddy and Michael finish a puzzle. Upon completion, Michael dances on the puzzle for several minutes.

One of the best pictures I've taken all year.

Thanks all for a magically wonderful trip! We love you and miss you all!


iamsam said...

Oh my goodness, those are some beautiful babies!

Anonymous said...

Love all the pictures of David and Daddy trying to figure out the toys! Can't believe how much the girls look alike. I also love the video of Sam and David dressed alike! Please tell Dianne how cute they are. Do you know when you are coming for a visit? We are looking forward to it.