EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Monday, September 24, 2007

New Video - 13 months!

Yes, it's been a while, and it's been busy. New job, new place, so on and so on. But you, the demanding public, do not care. Fear not. Through Grandma's wonderful digital camera, I present you a new video - David at 13 months.

And hopefully, later this week, I'll spend a few minutes fixing that strange sound-repeating problem. Emphasis on strange.

What? You didn't notice it, you say?

You will now. Oh, yes. You will now.

(villanous laugh tone) Heh heh. Heh Heh heh. Ha Ha Ha. MUA HA HA HA HA (builds to a slow, loud climax) HAAA HAAA HAAAA HAAAA!!!!! (crackle of thunder, flash of lightning, shadow of figure holding a knife on the wall, slam of door, creak of floor, ring of doorbell, arrival of delivery pizza, end of this shameless subtitle)


Anonymous said...

It's amazing to see how much David's grown! I love being able to see him even when I can't be there.


Anonymous said...

i miss david sooooooooooooo much!!!! i cant beleive how much he has grown in the few short months i havent seen y'all! i love ya all and hope to see you mabye one of these times i go seen ana in my monthly visits!!

Karen said...

Well, I can see by the video that David will be ready for Capri pizza at Lake George next year! Miss you all!