EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Monday, September 22, 2008

BackTrack July: Trip North 2

Our trip north took us to a very cool museum where David was able to view nature in a whole new way!

David looks out across the pond from inside.

The blur in the bottom right is a fast moving Otter. Man, I could NOT time that shot.

Looking at the fish.

Nature mom.

Master Moosh and two of his three young-ins.

Aunt Andrea with the ever-growing Madeleine.

Our fearless tour guide.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

BackTrack July: Trip North 1

Our travels take us up North to visit with some of our friends. Fantastic times. More specifically for you, two additional posts.

Insane cuteness.

Seriously. Is it possible to say no to this smiling face?

Yes. Yes it is. That comes from his parents.

In his new but somewhat familiar surroundings, David works hard at being social. With the TV...

Monday, September 15, 2008

BackTrack July: Rest Stops

Ignorant of the monetary requirement, David waits patiently for something to happen.

Rest stops in the north are much prettier. And quieter, too.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

BackTrack June: Garden

David and his Aunt Kassie enjoy some time in Grandma's garden. David even has a plastic beach shovel and bucket. And he's very good at picking up the rocks and putting them in that bucket. Unless, of course, he forgets and starts putting them back on plants...

Monday, September 08, 2008

BackTrack June: 999 & 1000

We have reached a milestone. This is the 999th and 1000th picture that I have saved on my computer (probably 90% of these have been posted). Here's to the next thousand.

I may not have written it, but I can name them all!

Number 1000 is a wonderfully memorable one, as he helps his cousin take a drink.

Friday, September 05, 2008

BackTrack June: Office Assistant

Grandma's little office assistant.

No worries. All of the proper paperwork has been filled out. Having an assistant at this age is totally legal.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

BackTrack June: Asleep on the Job

Sometimes, Grandma and Grandpa's house is just too much for David to handle.

Yes, we may have overstayed our welcome.

BackTrack May: Baby Posse

Fear the posse.

They will find you. Sure, they may seem cute. That's when you know they have you.

They will approach you on foot, on knees, or on their Daddy's back. They will drool on you, try to climb you, or try to eat you. They are armed with dirty diapers, disarming smiles, and words we accidentally have taught them.

They are the Baby Posse.

Fear the Baby Posse.

Monday, September 01, 2008

BackTrack May: DaddyTime

Yay! School's almost out, and DaddyTime comes next!

Ironically enough, this was posted just before the next school year starts. Boy, do you, the viewer, have some great posts ahead of you!

Friday, August 29, 2008

BackTrack April: Taking a Walk

Taking a stroll with Grammy and Grampy.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

BackTrack April: Favorite Toys

Despite the grandparents' best efforts, nothing can take the spot of David's favorite toys.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

BackTrack April: The Park

Near our house there exists an elementary school. And behind that school exists a very large and open field, complete with swings and two playgrounds. It is a GREAT place to take David, especially because it is within walking distance!

Tiny David on a big hill.

David receives an escort from Mommy on the way to the playground.

On this particular trip, Aunt Cath and her family were with us.

Justin gives the playground one thumb up.

Friday, August 22, 2008

BackTrack March: Candids with Mommy and Daddy

Getting some reading in with Daddy.

Mommy and David enjoy playing with an Easter present from Grammy and Grampy.

"Sometimes, when Daddy gets home late, he falls over from being tired. It is there, in that moment, where I climb Mount Daddy and force him to read to me."

BackTrack March: Musical

Is the musical over yet? I'd like to get to know you again.

Almost, kiddo. Almost.

BackTrack Feb: Exhausted


BackTrack Feb: Caught Red Handed

Cracker? What cracker? This cracker? Um...

I know. I'll shut the door and hide the evidence.

BackTrack Feb: Visit to Grammy's

Got visitors?

The first in our BackTrack series takes us to a February visit to see EuphDad's family. As you will see, we had an exceptional time, not only because David got to see his Grammy and Grampy, but because he also got to see Uncle Jim's family!

Enjoy the many pictures from this fantastic time, featuring books, games, food, and fun times!

Justin and Chelsea are almost as excited to see David as they are excited to see his toys.

The three grandchildren enjoy some down time together.

Uncle Jim and Chelsea share a book with David.

Grammy and David in one of my favorite pictures of all time. This was the first FEATURED picture on the new design of the blog.

When playing a family game, even one like Star Wars Monopoly, you shoot for third. Grammy will already be getting first, and Justin will be second.

David takes the time to read down Grampy. Isn't he a great grandchild?

Grammy also enjoys some reading time.

Man, did this trip wipe me out!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Diaper Change

This is NOT what I signed up for.

Heather? Can you take this one?

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My Dad's fam

A successful enterpreneur, an individual blessed with incredible hair growth, an insanely talented Monopoly player, and a Hannah Montana fan. Figure out which one's which!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Christmas #3 (too many days later)

Gee whiz! Cousins and presents! Where should I start?

We had a great time visiting my parents for David's 3rd Christmas celebration, and he got to visit with Grammy and Grampy, along with Uncle Jim, Aunt Cath, Justin and Chelsea! Great times, with more posts on the way!

Grammy and presents! This is great!


My cousins rock!