EuphFamily The Blog of David James Following the lives of David, his family, and his post at a time

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Vacation: Fun Park

Our final set of fun-park photos from the Merry-Go-Round.

At first gaze, it seemed like a harmless fun idea. Of course, we didn't realize how much those things really move, and it left Mommy and Daddy a bit woozy. Also, as you will remember, the horses in this ride go up and down. To us...harmless. To a guy who is under 2 feet's a bit scary. He mostly enjoyed it...after a good bit of 'selling' it from mom and dad.

The pre-woozy Mommy and David.

Sunday, July 29, 2007


Hey! My public! Good to see you again!!!

After a small hiatus away from the site, we will be reporting in from vacation! We're currently on vacation with my side of the family, so David will get to spend the next week with Grammy and Grampy, and Uncle Jim, Aunt Cath, and cousins Justin and Chelsea. And you can spend the next week with him! Good times.

Our first set of pictures comes from our local Six Flags park, which was the culminating event with the marching band I worked with this summer (and will miss dearly!!!). While David didn't necessarily hit the roller coasters (I got to get on one!), he did visit the petting zoo.

One little pig...

Got goat?

This monkey was SPAZZING all over.

Darn this glass!

I'll pull a Harry Potter and make this glass disappear...

"Raaah! Don't feed the animals! Raaah!"

The day both wound him up and tired him out. He missed his morning nap, and only took a little bit of his afternoon nap...

Some people eat on these things. David prefers to sleep on them.

He's asleep! YAY!!!!!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

10 Month Video!!!


Video #2 has been up for a couple of weeks. So far, I've heard no complaints of download speed, which is fantastic. That means, I can play with the next one (which will be in a while), and use better resolution and larger files. This will make us all happy! It's a little 'too' widescreen, but I'll fix that on the next one.

Enjoy the video of David James at 10 months! Thanks for all the comments (keep them coming), and check back for new pictures over the next few days.